I don't think that this post is going to have an overarching point, it's just that the atmosphere of this morning is pretty pleasing and I have a goal of sharing the pleasant things that I encounter.
Exhibit A: a girl just walked by the window of the coffee shop I'm in and we had a fun little pantomime conversation about how she likes my necklace. It's the little things like that that make me really appreciate the people I share this city with.
My goal as I sit in this coffee shop is to put together a set for DJing at a friend's birthday party this weekend. It is a wonderful occupation for this sunny yet cold Thursday morning. (Welcome to Washington, right?) Also, the company is pretty nice; my brother decided to move up to my city for the month and I'm so looking forward to hanging out with him significant amounts. Do you want to know what's hard about selecting music to play in a set? Loving a song but knowing that it's not doing to be the best for dancing. Story of my life...
Can I tell you something that I really appreciate?
I really appreciate learning a lot about the people around me. This year has been a great learning experience already and, though it's frustrating at times, I'm glad for what I'm learning. Although I'm starting to wonder if I will every not have a year that teaches me something important. Even beyond that, though, I think it's amazing how many of these important things that I'm learning outside of the classroom.