Today, I made four friends in the space of twenty minutes just because I know how to do the "Gangnam Style" dance.
But that's not chronological so let's start at the beginning.
1) Yes, my alarm worked this morning. I got up, showered and put on an outfit that is comprised completely of new clothing.
2) I went down to breakfast with my suite-mate, and ran into my other friends for breakfast. Note to self: locate milk.
3) I am dispensing with the numbering thing.
So, after breakfast, I headed to training and actually had a pretty good time. It was really nice because my RD was the one in charge of training so he was, I don't know, quietly encouraging when I wanted to say something. He's really nice. And he totally said "Y U NO RETURN PING PONG PADDLE?" today; I died laughing, oh my gosh. The other part of training that was really amazing was a slideshow activity called "First Impressions." My RD would leave a picture up on the screen for a minute and everyone in the room was supposed to write down their first impressions of the person on screen. Let me tell you, Ted Bundy looks like a really friendly dude. (For those of you who don't understand the problem with that statement, I'll explain: Ted Bundy was a serial killer in Seattle in the 70's; actually, he was wanted in like four states but you get the point: HE WAS A BAD DUDE.) The whole activity just basically said how we can't assume things about people just based on the way that they look, which is really common sense but it's a good concept to reiterate. Oh! Something else fantastic is that I get paid to attend all of this training.
Besides training, though, I finally made it across campus to see my friends' dorms. I have a funny feeling that I will see them like twice this quarter as soon as school starts. I share a class with one of them but the other two...I mean, I want to be their friend and I'll totally do Facebook chat, but I'm really excited to be a member of my dorm community. This complex seems super inclusive and, now that I'm an employee, I'm supposed to help add to that. That's kind of a terrifying notion so I hope I can figure everything out. I'll feel really bad the first time I have to say, "I'm a freshman and I don't know the answer to that." Okay, so maybe I'll actually say something more like, "That's a fantastic question. I'm not totally sure but I know someone we can call." But still. I like knowing the answers to things. I like knowing how to do things. I'm also a little worried that the club I'm a part of doesn't meet the one evening a week I have to work. If that happens, I'm going to be so so so sad. (But I should probably not think about it because I have this problem with stressing myself out too much, and I'm trying to avoid doing that.)
So now I'm just in my room, doing nothing in particular. I'm thinking that I should go down to the lounge and see if I can make any friends. But that idea makes me way way nervous. Should I?
Basically, today was information overload. Trying to remember all of it is crazy. I keep trying to take a breath and calm down but every time, I almost start crying. I don't really know what that's about but it happens. Luckily, my family is coming tomorrow. And they're close. Okay, I'm going to cry if I think about this too much.
I think I'll go be brave and hang out in the lounge for, like, an hour. At least. I'm hoping I'll see someone I know and be able to actually hang out.
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