I guess this whole post is my observations about today, so...
Observations, Oct 4, 2012
First off, my theatre class and my psych class are tied for my favorite class at the moment. Both of those professors are enthusiastic about their subject, and that makes the class really interesting. Today was theatre and a few things occured to me.
- I have lots of responsibility on our short film project. Not only am I script writer, I am also the producer now. I'm a little bit still wondering how in the world that happened but, as far as I can gather, it's because I've been the one taking notes whenever our professor relays any criteria or during the little meeting my group had the other day.
- I'm really excited about my theatre project. But I'm already preparing myself for how stressed I'm going to be around Week #4 or #5 of this term. I have this short film project; a midterm paper for theatre; two hours of research for my psych class; another something for psych, I'm sure; two Anthropology projects; and lots of Art History studying to do. Don't worry, my professors are giving me most specifics than what I just gave you but that's the general idea. And that is on top of the readings that I'm supposed to do in order to be prepared for class. I'm making endeavors to not freak out early but that's going to be a lot to handle.
- I think my professor and I would get along really well if we had to work together. I don't know what made me think that but I do.
- That's the only class I really feel comfortable speaking up in so far. It might have something to do with his "Who likes ice cream? Great. Do you know why Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors? because we all like ice cream but we don't all like licorice ice cream" speech. Basically, it's his way of saying, "No two of you are going to have the same opinions about anything we watch or talk about, and that's completely fine. So tell me what you think." There's also the little tidbit of I don't have to know what I'm talking about to ask questions or speak up. I'm only taking one 100 level course this quarter and that's psych. I don't feel like I have to have a background in theatre or psych to say anything, but we have more discussion chances in theatre. With Anthropology and Art History, I'm way too intimiated. Even if we did spend almost forty-five minutes joking about the Terracotta warriors today in Art History. (Wow, that was a long observation.)
- "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920-ish) is a great movie. It's German, old and silent, but it's pretty twisty and wonderful. A tribute to my high school string instructor as well for teaching me last year about how the music can impact a movie. For the first bit, we listened to the movie with a soundtrack created in the 1990s (or so my professor believes). A little after halfway, he put Ben Folds in the audio. Good-bye, Mr. Seriousness.
- I need to do "Dark Side of Oz."
But, anyways, I managed to grab dinner before work (something I'm not expecting to become a norm on Thursdays). Work was very uninteresting, yet busy. I got to make some posters. I realized I have no mail. (Anyone want to change that for me?:P) La ti da.
Did I tell you guys already, about Demo Week? Well, if not, here you go: Demo Week is the first week of the quarter at my school where all the "X-Pass" classes are free. After Demo Week, you may purchase an "X-Pass" at $45 to get you into any of the "X-Pass" classes. Zumba is an "X-Pass" class. Now, there was a class tonight at 7:30. (That's 1930, for any military time people out there). I got there maybe ten minutes early and it was already full. MAJOR SAD FACE. And that meant I was faced with what to do. There was lots of energy in my body but I didn't feel like confining myself to a treadmill or anything like that. I wandered around for a minute, seeing what else is actually in our gym. Then I was resigned to walk back to my dorm. Major sad face again. But, as soon as I stepped outside, I realized that I could just go for a run.
And I did.
And it was wonderful.
I've missed running, odd as that may sound.
But now I'm back to debating about the X-Pass. I'm wondering if the price with deter enough people that I'll actually be able to get into classes. Maybe I should just buy the $5 ticket that'll get me into one class and see if I can actually get in. I really want to do Zumba but I could get into running again if it looks like the classes are always going to be full.
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