Three weeks away from school seems like a long time.
Two weeks in Germany and one in Virginia seems like a very, very short time.
I guess life really is all about perception.
I'm proud to say that I've done absolutely nothing productive for the past two days. I forgot how nice being lazy can feel. Except I know that I've been lazy and feel like I should really do something about that. Well, I guess I did tune my violin, which isn't something I was completely convinced that I could do. I should practice some Christmas tunes...
For those who haven't heard the whole story, my parents move from Italy to Germany this summer and, while I lived in a temporary apartment with them for a while before going to school, I wasn't around to help them unpack into their house. Over these past few weeks, whenever I've thought about what being back overseas would feel like, I always thought it was feel like vacation. Now that I'm here, I realize that I was feels like home. I guess I'm not kidding when I tell people that I have at least five homes; I'm a big believer in the phrase, "Home is where the heart is." A little part of me wishes that I didn't feel so at home; I feel like I'd be more inclined to go out into town and explore if I felt like I was on vacation. But, since I feel so at home, I'm really comfortable with snuggling up in front of the computer and playing Sims.
My brother and sister are flying in tomorrow, so more adventures should kick up in the days following. Apparently, all of us kids have been invited to the party that's happening on Friday for my dad's students. :) That makes me feel kind of silly, and kind of happy. I haven't been to a middle school holiday party in, like, four years.
I'm really excited for it to be Christmas. It always ends up being fun: way too much food, parties, silly music and cheer. Oh, and presents ;) Speaking of which, I still have shopping to do (but that's a secret so don't tell!)
I guess I have a lot to do while I'm here...I have to complete my RA application. I should clean out my closet. Oh! That's one of my amazing closet is soooooooo ridiculously full. I can't believe that I ever thought I didn't have enough clothes. At this point, I think that I have way tooooo many. I'm coming to realize that my goal of making all my possessions fit into a couple suitcases and a few boxes is probably impossible. "Pack rat" is a term that applies to me. My other amazing discovery is that I could actually tune my violin. I was terrified that I was going to snap the strings; and that would've been terrible because I wouldn't have been able to play. Anyways, back to my to-do list: there's cooking, baking, and sight seeing to be done. And, since 2013 is the first year I'll be doing taxes, I'm hoping to get a little help from my parents. Ugh, growing up is hard.
Seriously, it is. In some ways, the difficulty is really, really wonderful. But independence comes at a price; in some ways, I wish I could stay a kid forever. Kids are impossibly carefree. Being financially stable would provide some freedom to be careless, but I'm an Elizabeth Bennet at heart so I won't marry with money as the reason. (Plus, I'm 18; getting married probably isn't advisable just yet.) I guess that means that I'll have to become rich with my writing.
It would be nice if my writer's block would stop. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't write. This first quarter at college (I survived it!) revealed a lot more about my personality than it did my possible careers. I know that I won't major in Art History and probably won't major in Anthropology. I would say theatre but, the funny this is that I found myself focusing on the narratives and characters more than the cinematography or lighting design. Maybe I am a writer. I do hope so. I want to be.
On the other hand, though, being an undecided major has its perks. It means that, for now, I don't have classes that are required. Sure, I have requirements to fill but there's a wide range of classes that I can use to full 'em. Once I declare, I'll have classes that I must take and I don't always like the things I must do.
Let me tell you a secret about Robyn...I'm really easily influenced. I'll have made up my mind about something then someone will express their doubt and send me into a spiral of questioning. I said earlier in here about how I need to do my RA application. Well, everyone at school is encouraging me to do it and, while I'm there, I feel really sure about my desire to do it. But it feels like everyone here is telling me to be extra cautious. How cautious is the right amount of cautious? What should I be worried about? Will it really impact my life that much? In a bad way, I mean. The coin trick! I should try the coin trick...Meh, I'll do it later. This chair is pretty comfortable.
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