Friday, March 8, 2013

What About...?

I love those random conversations that people overhear and you have to hold your breath for a moment because you don't know how they're gonna react to the subject matter. Lucky for me and my friend, the person who overheard our conversation is one cool cat; he joined in on the conversation and we became even more friends:) "Oh, goody." 
Also, live music is absolutely amazing. One of our blues leads is also a wonderful guitar player/singer so he performs live for us every once in a while. Last night was one was "once." Super fun but, also, I need to make sure that I do all of my homework before I go to Thursday dancing. One of my friends laughed at me because I'd paid $10 to sit and listen to music while doing homework instead of dance. Let it be known that I stopped doing homework within five minutes of that comment. Let it also be known that I'm practically the queen of awkward comments; okay, not really. But I'm probably among the nobility of awkward encounters.  Yeah, last night got weird a couple of times.
Bonus about last night, the concerns that I was having yesterday are now postponed for next Wednesday; the wrong mix of people were there for that drama to occur (so maybe I should say that the right mix of people were there). Fingers crossed, though, that I'm being worried for no reason. 
As far as this weekend goes, it will be filled with homework and maybe scholarship apps--if I can convince myself to actually do all of that. Here's hoping. 

Happy International Women's Day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure all will go well.
    Have a wonderful week-end, although homework is on the agenda find a bit of time for fun.

