Dear You,
I don't know that we've met in person or spent any real time together but I am glad that you're willing to take some time out of your day to look around at other blogs. Apparently, you're at least semi-interested in the lives of others and I appreciate that about you. You seem pretty great, we should be friends.
If I may offer a little piece of advice: chin up and keep being you. Trust me, I know that those things are pretty hard to do 24/7 because life is life and it gets hard. But being yourself is the best favor you can do for you because it means you were always true whatever was in your view. (Yes, I worked on that internal rhyme.)
I hope that your day is going well with whatever is going on in your life. I hope it's sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. But, if things get hard, I hope you'll keep your head up because who says that you're not perfect. Cause life is a highway and I hope that you'll never let it be too little, too late. And if you ever feel like you're superman poisoned by kryptonite, I'll dare you to move.
Okay, I think I'm done with the cheesy song titles in my motivational speech.
But, seriously, you have a good day :)
Robyn :)
Hahaha, thanks for the motivational speech. My day did finish well... put this A-Z challenge in the bag! I'm glad to see you've made it too (except for Z, which I trust is coming soon).