I want to tell you a secret...
I have been sleeping on beds/couches that do not belong to me since June 13th.
It's been a long time and I'm getting really sick of all the limbo. See, my parents are in the process of moving and I joined them a few weeks into the process cause I wanted to hang out with my brother and sister in the states for a few weeks after I finished my first year of college. It's still a week until we move into the new apartment and have our goods delivered but I'm praying that this week goes by quickly.
We've been in apartments up until this point and now we're in a little hotel room. I'm sleeping on a roll-away bed.
Not that I can get into a solid situation soon but I am so ready to have a house that I can stay in. A place that I've decorated and can pour my heart in to, a place I can make my own.
I guess I was more serious than I realized when I joked that I don't have a home.
Here's to hoping that the next few days will pass easily.
It can't be easy living from pillar to post. Hope the new digs for the family is all you've ever wanted in a home.