Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 12...I'm Not Gonna Know Until After I'm Done

Your dream college

I feel a little bit like this is an unfinished topic. My dream college class? My dream college experience? My dream college campus? I guess this is probably asking about all of those things at once, huh?
So far, I really like the college I'm at. I guess my dream college is a place where I feel like I belong; a place where I don't feel like a number and that I feel like I can learn how to make a difference. My dream college is a place where I can make friends just because almost everyone is friendly enough to talk with me for long enough to find some common ground.
I don't really know what I'd look for in a dream college, but I am really happy with the one I'm at for the moment. A few elements of my life might end up changing so maybe the school I'm at won't continue to be my dream college but it's pretty satisfactory for now.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you are in a good place for college. I think my dream college would be anywhere I could get a good education and it wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg :)

