Your dream college
I feel a little bit like this is an unfinished topic. My dream college class? My dream college experience? My dream college campus? I guess this is probably asking about all of those things at once, huh?
So far, I really like the college I'm at. I guess my dream college is a place where I feel like I belong; a place where I don't feel like a number and that I feel like I can learn how to make a difference. My dream college is a place where I can make friends just because almost everyone is friendly enough to talk with me for long enough to find some common ground.
I don't really know what I'd look for in a dream college, but I am really happy with the one I'm at for the moment. A few elements of my life might end up changing so maybe the school I'm at won't continue to be my dream college but it's pretty satisfactory for now.
Seems like you are in a good place for college. I think my dream college would be anywhere I could get a good education and it wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg :)