Where you'd like to see yourself in 10 years.
This may sound silly but, in 10 years, I'd really like to be happy. Not in the trivial sense of "I'm having a really awesome day" (even though I'll love being that kind of happy too). I mean more in the sense of knowing that I'll wake up everyday, excited to get up and lead the life I lead. I'd like to be happy with who I am, secure with where I am; I want to be content and safe. And I really want to see in myself what everyone else seems to see in me.
Ideally, yes, that'll happen sooner than 10 years but it's one of those 'work in progress' types of things so I'm gonna give myself a while to achieve it.
On the slightly less philosophical side, I see myself graduated and possibly married. Not that I'm dying to tie the knot yet but being married sounds like fun. You get to spend all your time with someone you love and who loves you. Hypothetically, the two of you get along very well and enjoy each other's company. (Okay, I'm actually just excited to have someone to cuddle with whenever I want.)
I'm supposed to say something about where I'd like to be employment wise as well, aren't I? Well, uh, I would love to be published by then. Granted, that means I have to actually finish a story first. (Maybe that'll be my goal for the next two years: finish a novel length story.) Let me let you in on a secret, though...when people ask me what I want to be doing in ten years, I also blank on the "career" portion of the answer; I feel like that's not normal considering a lot of people I'm meeting at college are studying to be a something (geologist, veterinarian, teacher, stage manager, linguist). Don't get too worried, though, I do have ideas of what I might like to do (write, work in a publishing house, be a florist--side question, how do you get into that business?) but having a job isn't really my main goal, if that makes sense. Yes, I know that I need a way to support myself. I just always hear people saying things like, "Do work that makes you happy" or "Work in what you find interesting." Okay, so I think about the things that make me happy/interest me: flowers, writing, dancing, tattoos, traveling. What career do you make of that? Maybe I'll write about a traveling tattoo artist who meets a dancing florist on a road trip across America. (...actually, that has intriguing potential.)
So Robyn in 10 years ideally equals happy. How I come to be happy is going to be an entirely different story. The world is my oyster or some such cliche.
I think to be a florist, you learn all about how to make good looking flowers and open a business or work for someone who already does