But, first off, have you guys ever teefury.com? You should check it out if you haven't. They sell a different funny t-shirt every single day. I think it's a wonderful idea.
So, I went to visit my brother and sister-in-law for Thanksgiving. My flight got delayed from my town to Seattle, which made me miss my connection to Boise and the airline put me up in a hotel.
It was a really, really nice hotel. But I didn't end up spending all that much time in it. You see, my aunt lives near Seattle so I called her, and ended up over at her house.
I'm trying to persuade my cousin to come to my college, which is going pretty well so far.
Oh, yeah. I had a balcony.
Anyways, Boise was really fun. The first thing my oldest brother (TB) said to me was, "I keep forgetting that you're a grown-up. In my mind, you're still eleven." -_- So I made jokes about that all weekend. I guess I probably shouldn't be so amazed since we weren't together hardly at all when I was growing up. Sometimes I forget that he's married and responsible and all that jazz.We had real Thanksgiving food, which was amazing compared to the dining hall food that I've been eating for the past two months. (I've been in college for two months, how crazy is that?!) On Friday, we all went shooting and I made a deal with TB that, when I have a boyfriend that I'm serious about, he has to take him shooting so as to (a) intimidate him and (b) protect me--in the event that "serious boyfriend" becomes "husband". Though, granted, I could protect myself.
I guess I should mention that, because of the delay on the way there, I made a bunch of new friends at the airport. I hope that I'll see them around campus soon (yes, all of them were students too).
What else? What else?
This was waiting for me (all boxed up, of course) when I got back from Thanksgiving break. It's a care package from my friend Kris. I'm really excited to have books to read again. The on campus library doesn't have a centralized fiction section so I haven't been doing much--that is to say, any--reading since I got to school. The white package is my Christmas present but he sent it way early and I'm impatient so I opened it. Remember back in September when I posted a picture very
But, yeah, that's pretty much all that's going on in my life. Finals are coming up, which is kind of scary. I have to register for next quarter classes tomorrow. I'm going to Germany in December and Virginia in January! I'm sending a lot of letters recently.
I will say that sometimes, when I'm walking around campus and I see all these people in big groups (and I'm walking all by myself) I can't help but wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
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