A few things before I talk about how today's Election Day...
Firstly, I had an impromptu trip to Seattle this weekend and it was amazing!! I got to go to Zumba with my brother; eat at the restaurant where my sister works; play videos game with my brother's friends; and get a tattoo. Yeah, that last one kind of hurt but it turned out really nicely. I super like it. It says "Sogno Scrivo Vivo" in really nice script down my thigh. (That's Italian for "Dream Write Live", by the way).
Secondly, I managed to write a paper between the hours of 9 pm Sunday night to 5 pm Monday night. BOOM! I cannot tell you how surprised/happy I am to have achieved that. Finishing that means that I don't have to do any more big things for that class until the final; it's just reading and quizzes for a while. :D
Thirdly, the questions swirling in my mind right now is "Why did I wait this long to start going to the gym?" Granted 'going to the gym' is a subjective...I'm not doing running on treadmills or doing weights (though I kind of want to learn how). I'm going to the classes that the gym puts on. Tonight was the first night I've done anything not Zumba...I did Cardio Combat. Honestly, it was kind of an accident. the schedule posted online isn't the right one so I thought I was going to Ab-Lab (yes, it's a core workout) but I actually ended up in Cardio Combat. I'm kind of deciding that it's really fun to go do things that you know nothing about. Like, last night, I watched 'V for Vendetta' for the first time. Oh my gosh, it was so good. All I knew about the movie before I watched it was that it was based on Guy Fawkes' story. I didn't have any built up expectations and, for the first time in a few months, I didn't get bored halfway through the movie.
"Remember, remember the 5th of November.
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."
Fourthly, it's cold season and I don't like it. I'm very seriously considering going to bed as soon as I get back to my dorm. But I have a few chapters I'm supposed to read... The debate between academic responsibility and health responsibility shall continue.
Fifthly, I'm going to Boise for Thanksgiving to see my brother, sister-in-law, and my sister-by-extension (aka my sister-in-law's sister). I'm really excited to get to spend this Thanksgiving with family. Although, I do have to figure out how to get to and from the airport in my town. I'm thinking taxi.
Okay, I think that's all of my interesting news for now.
Onto the fact that it's ELECTION DAY!!!!
I've been misleading, I don't actually have much to say about the fact that it's Election Day. Just that it is and I'm really excited to have voted; and that I feel sorry for all the nation's mail carriers because the past few days have probably been insanely busy! When I wake up tomorrow (actually, just after I fall asleep tonight) we will most likely know whom to call "Mr. President" for the next four years. And I was a part of that. It's so exciting when you think about it.
Besides all of those things, here's what has been on my mind today: do you ever wonder what makes people important? I don't mean the president or revolutionaries...I mean what makes people important to you in your life. Sure, "nice" and "funny" are probably on the list, but tons of people are nice and funny. My theory is that it's shared experiences (at least in part) that make people important. That theory is influenced by the fact that I've made friends at the gym the past two days after enduring an hour of torture--I mean, cardio--together. Yes, other things play into making people important but I really think that shared experiences is high on the list.
Okay, the other question that I've been thinking about while I'm walking around on campus is "What if I just walked past the best friend I could possibly have and don't know it?"
Seriously, think about all the people you walk past in a day. That's so many lives and experiences you're not ever going to know anything about. But maybe you should know things about the people you pass; maybe you don't know that you have just the right about of things in common and could be best friends for life. I'm do believe in fate and the idea that if someone is supposed to be in your life, somehow they'll manage to be there. It's just funny to think about all the people around me as I walk through campus every day, how I know nothing about them but how they still have all the experiences that make them who they are.
Food for thought.
And good luck to all the candidates, presidential and otherwise.
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