Apparently, I'm celebrating "No Write November." Sorry, guys, I don't know what's keeping me away from this but I guess college will do that to you.
I've been busy making friends, going dancing, and doing homework. Oh, and working. I wish that I was writing more but I'm also having a marvelous time having my own college experience that I don't want to spend all of it holed up in my dorm room, writing. However, I do want to document it.
On that note, here's what I've been up to: swing dancing, learning to blues dance, going contra dancing (that's basically square dancing), doing homework, admiring the cute boys around campus, trying to work up the courage to actually talk to said boys, and working at the desk.
Blues and contra (and swing but I've already talked about that a lot) are super much fun!!! Oh. my. gosh. Contra is a once-in-a-while thing but blues will become a weekly habit. The people who do blues are amazing. And a lot fewer people do blues so I feel like I'm actually making friends there. Except I avoid Kris (not the cool Kris who sends me Navy Diver postcards; the 50-year-old Kris who likes to dance way too close together). I wish he would dance a little farther away from me because he's a good lead; he's just kind of creepy.
Anyways, that's pretty much everything exciting I'm up to at school. Well, I'm attempting to flirt with this guy but I'm really bad at being normal enough to flirt well when I'm attracted to someone (and, therefore, nervous). Boys make me nervous...or, boys that I'm attracted to do.
On a completely different note, do you know how hard it is to try to get to Virginia? (I have friends over there that I'm trying to go see.) It's hard!
My adventure of this week is that my flight to Boise (to visit my family for Thanksgiving) was delayed and I missed on connection in Seattle. But so did this boy from my school so we hung out a whole bunch. I mean, I hung out with a bunch of people while we were delayed in the airport but, after we got to Seattle, I caught a shuttle to the hotel with this boy and then we had breakfast this morning. And now we're Facebook friends... Anyways, the point is that it was really nice having a traveling buddy to help me deal with the fact that I'd missed my flights. And I proved to myself that I am able to actually talk to guys. (Yes, by the way, I was a little bit in doubt.)
But, yeah, now I'm chilling in Boise with my brothers, sister-in-law, and my sister-by-extension (aka, my sister-in-law's sister.) Having real food for dinner was absolutely wonderful and I discovered that I actually do like apple pie.
OH! I'm a really hilarious/really typical college student and brought laundry "home." My sister-in-law laughed pretty hard when I asked if I could do laundry. Speaking of which...I should start on that.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I hope your day is/was wonderful.
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