Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 6. About Me...?

Write 30 interesting things about yourself {Things others may not know}

Oh goody...30 things that people might not know about me. Let's see if I can do this...
  1. I was scared to move to Italy
  2. I ended up being scared to move away too
  3. I love writing letters
  4. I have the honor of saying that I have friends across the country; in other countries
  5. I suck at confrontation
  6. Civility is one of my favorite things ever
  7. I'm a cuddly type of person
  8. Touch and presents are my love languages for sure
  9. I want to keep traveling
  10. It was my brother who got me into dancing
  11. Berlin is my favorite city
  12. It is honestly weird to have mostly English every day 
  13. I want to go to Ireland for the sole purpose of having picnics there
  14. I have a very basic knowledge of how to play violin; I want to get better
  15. My tattoo translates as "I dream. I write. I live." The language it's written in is Italian
  16. I wish I was the kind of person who documented my life with pictures
  17. The more I run, the more I like it. It's just hard to take those first couple of steps
  18. I seem to have a habit of makes friends with people who like to swim/have been lifeguards
  19. I like to think that I'm a wonderful baker
  20. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life career-wise
  21. My favorite color is purple
  22. When I have pets again, I really want a fluffy puppy
  23. I want to start a CD collection
  24. I don't think I'll ever buy an ASUS computer again
  25. Flowers are beautiful and never fail to brighten my day
  26. I know that lots of people forget that I'm only 18...but sometimes I forget too
  27. There is not enough sun in the Pacific Northwest but I do love the rain
  28. I love writing stories
  29. My inner nerd has a great appreciation for things that glow in the dark
  30. Sometimes, I have a really hard time being "in the moment"

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