Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 24...Guilty Pleasure

Guilty pleasure, hmm. I would say my binging Netflix habit but, honestly, I don't feel guilty about that. At least, not right now. When it's the middle of the school year and I have papers to write, sure. But, now, in the first two weeks of summer? There's not much else I would be doing with my day so why not watch "Buffy" and "Doctor Who" to the fullest extend of the Netflix realm?
Massive sugar intake was my guilty pleasure over the past two quarters. I'm a little ashamed to think of how many times I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's for dinner over the past few months. Especially when I combine that with how little I was running... What I wouldn't give to be able to go on a good long run now :( But, no, stuck. Injuries suck. Goal as soon as I'm done being injured: make running a pleasure again. Summertime will be a nice time to work at that.
Once upon a time I would've said that TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress" was my guilty pleasure but a friend questioned why it had to be guilty for me to enjoy a show--even a silly one like "Say Yes to the Dress".
All right, I have lots of "would"s/"would've"s but I don't know that I actually have a guilty pleasure at the moment. The idea of pleasures being guilty is odd to me. I don't completely like the idea that my liking something could be considered guilt worthy.
However, that's putting a lot of thought into all of this because there are definitely things I don't tell people I like for fear they'll judge me in some regard. Usually this has to do with my musical tastes and the musical biases I perceive my conversation partner(s) to hold. I don't really tell people that country is often in my playlists (especially in the summer) and that Disney is my fall back music.
Ta-da! My big secrets, revealed. Laid bare for the world to know.
And I don't feel any worse for it :D

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