But, before I do that, my mom and I went on a little adventure in a town called Ladenburg. This weekend, it hosted a huge flea market in the altstadt (or, "old city). When I say "huge", I mean that we almost got lost a few times as we wandered around. The wares for sale were pretty much split between typical "garage sale" items, and handcrafted jewelry/pottery/scares. Getting lost there was kinda fun.
Here's my big purchase of the day: an airbrush tattoo. I'm planning on getting a real tattoo sometime (hopefully, soon) but it won't look like this. Or be on my forearm. Still, that's the reason to get temporary ones: I don't have to put tons of thought or money into them because they'll fade after a little while.
I guess if I had to have a reason behind this one it would be something like "To remind me that the sun always rises as I head to a pretty raining part of the world."
Yeah, that reasoning is weak. So it's a good thing that you don't have to have reasons any better than "I liked it at the time" for temporary tattoos.
Funny story, though. I'm not the only one with the "temporary tattoo" idea. The little guy in the green shirt must've been 8 or 9 and my mom was astounded when she noticed what his design choice was.
Any guesses?
Anyone? Anyone?
"What is the Playboy Bunny, Alex?"
I laughed for a while. Part of me wonders if this kid actually knows the significance of the Bunny, or if he just thinks it's something that men like.
Anyway, my mom's big purchase was a novel in German so that she can practice her language skills. That's one of her goals for living in Germany: to improve on her German. More power to her, I think.
Let me let you in on a little secret: you'll gain major awesome points if you send me mail. Shout out to the boy with the Navy Diver postcard. Like I said earlier, I'm thinking about getting a real tattoo sometime soon, but I've been talking with this boy about tattoos for a long time. Every once in a while, I come up with an idea that I get really attached to and, when I tell this boy about them, he draws a design for it and mails it to me. This is the latest one.
Since I told him about the idea, my tattoo idea has gone from simply "Io sogno" to "Io sogno. Io scrivo. Io vivo." Translation: I dream. I write. I live.
Dear Boy with the Navy Diver Postcard, you don't need to send me a new design for that. Sincerely, Girl Who Appreciates Your Artistic Efforts :)
PS...how goes the drawing of the knight?
Here's a little question (maybe two) for you guys: why do people put so much thought into relating their lives to the songs that play on the radio? Unless you write a song, I promise that some part of it will not match your life perfectly.
Nope, it's just that one question for y'all (all of y'all?).
Kid's Menu |
This was actually something from my mom's birthday dinner last night. I just thought it was a really funny to name each dish after some familiar icon. I haven't figured out the "Asterix" one unless it seriously means one of these: *. It just made me think of a few Harry Potter obsessed friends so I had to document it.
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